Webinar o revoluciji umetne inteligence

Springer Nature pripravlja v torek, 18.6.2024, od 12:30-14:00 webinar o revoluciji umetne inteligence. Poročali bodo o integraciji umetne inteligence v izboljševanje raziskav in storitev, o pravnem vplivu in zaščiti avtorskih pravic ter ohranjanju raziskovalne odličnosti.

Program webinarja:

·         Introduction: Embracing the AI Transformation by Dagmar Laging, Vice President Institutional Sales Europe,

·         The integration of AI in improving research and services by Nestor Bustamante, Global Manager of AI & Emerging Technologies

·         The legal impacts and author rights protection by Stefan Kieselbach, Legal Director

·         How Springer Nature is safeguarding content against disruptions and maintaining research excellence by Chris Graf, Research Integrity Director


Med webinarjem bo možno postavljati vprašanja.

Registrate se lahko na povezavi: https://bit.ly/3WQPSO8


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