The Central Medical Library has been part of COBISS (Cooperative Online Bibliographic System and Services) since 1990, when it began to process its material electronically into the COBIB.SI bibliographical database. It contains monographs from 1989 onwards and journals from 1984 onwards. The description of the material is furnished with scope notes in English and Slovenian from the MeSH thesaurus of the American National Library of Medicine.
You can search the electronically processed material in the COBIB.SI database, which includes other Slovenian libraries, or in the local databases of individual libraries. Clicking on the CMK catalogue enables you to search for material accessible at the CMK.
You can check what items you have borrowed and the deadline for their return in the 'Moja knjižnica' system or by using your membership card number, the CMK ISIL (50003) or abbreviation (CMK) and the password you have chosen for CMK transactions.