At the Institute of Anatomy (IA), the following research projects are being conducted:
Changes of neuro-musculo-fascial system in diabetes analyzed by 3D microscopy and biomechanic tests (N3-0256)
Leader: prof. dr. Erika Cvetko
Included IA researchers and technical associates: prof. dr. Erika Cvetko, doc. dr. Nejc Umek, prof. dr. Tatjana Stopar Pintarič, prof. dr. Igor Serša, doc. dr. Marija Meznarič, asist. Žiga Šink, Majda Črnak-Maasarani, Nataša Pollak, Andreja Vidmar
Funding duration: 2022–2025
Research project aims:
SICRIS link: https://cris.cobiss.net/ecris/si/sl/project/19730
Content of the project N3-0256
Implemetation plan of the project N3-0256
Role of diffusion of local anaesthetics through tissue barriers in the mode of action of interfascial plane blocks and non-invasive transmucosal blocks (J3-50106)
Leader: doc. dr. Nejc Umek
Included IA researchers and technical associates: doc. dr. Nejc Umek, prof. dr. Erika Cvetko, prof. dr. Tatjana Stopar Pintarič, prof. dr. Igor Serša, asist. Žiga Šink, asist. Luka Pušnik, asist. Chiedozie Kenneth Ugwoke, Majda Črnak-Maasarani, Nataša Pollak, Andreja Vidmar, Simon Istenič, Anže Jerman, Tjaša Bregar
Funding duration: 2023–2026
Research project aims:
SICRIS link: https://cris.cobiss.net/ecris/si/en/project/20799
Content of the project J3-50106
Implemetation plan of the project J3-50106
Development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic methods for carpal tunnel syndrome (J3-4507)
Leader: doc. dr. Žiga Snoj
Included IA researchers and technical associates: doc. dr. Nejc Umek, prof. dr. Erika Cvetko, prof. dr. Tatjana Stopar Pintarič, prof. dr. Igor Serša, Majda Črnak-Maasarani, Nataša Pollak, Andreja Vidmar, Marko Slak
Funding duration: 2022–2025
Research project aims:
SICRIS link: https://cris.cobiss.net/ecris/si/sl/project/20151
Muscle secretome and bone cells - collaboration in osteosarcopenia (MiKOSA) (J3-4527)
Leader: prof. dr. Janja Marc
Included IA researchers and technical associates: prof. dr. Erika Cvetko, doc. dr. Nejc Umek
Funding duration: 2022–2025
Research project objective: Investigate microscopic and molecular muscle changes in sarcopenia.
SICRIS link: https://cris.cobiss.net/ecris/si/sl/project/20210