The summer school is part of H2020 Twinning project COGDEC, which aims to enable knowledge transfer in the field of advanced brain imaging methods from the two internationally-leading organisations (Medical University of Graz and Catholic University of Leuven).
Lecturers will share their knowledge and broad experience in data analysis of different brain imaging methods (MR, EEG) in an intensive 3-days workshop, followed by 2 days for evaluation and discussion on possible future research cooperation with participants. Theoretical part will be followed by 2 days of hand-on training. One or two best candidates will receive opportunity to get enrolled into the PhD study and pursue their career in the research field. Workshop will be held in English.
Participants should have a Bachelor's degree (2nd Bolognia) in medicine, biology, chemistry, psychology, informatics, cognitive science, or similar. We will accept application forms from researchers with less than 4 years of experience in the research field and who have not yet received their PhD degree (however they can already be enrolled in the PhD study).
To apply, fill in the application form on the following link and include a CV with working/academic experience (max 1 page) and a motivational letter (max 1 page); all documentation should be in English. The deadline for applying is March 16th 2020. Applicants will be informed on the results of the selection process by April 6th 2020.
Additional information can be found on https://cogdec.wixsite.com/cogdec-twinning. Should you need additional information, please contact us at cogdec(at)mf.uni-lj.si.
There is no fee attending the workshop.