
Research and infrastructure programmes 


Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) research programmes are one of the three instruments of stable funding aimed at providing a steadfast allocation of funds for research groups. The other two instruments of stable funding are Infrastructure programmes and Founding obligations. The research groups may be formed within one research organization (e.g. university, institute) or involve researchers affiliated to different research organizations. Launched in 1999, the instrument currently provides funding for approximately 300 research groups.

The research groups are evaluated every 6 years. The basic evaluation criteria applied in peer review include scientific excellence, impact, and vitality of the research group. The peer review evaluation procedure is carried out solely by foreign experts.

One of the aims of the evaluation procedure is to determine the funding volume for the following period. The latter depends on the volume of funding granted in the previous period, evaluation scores, and effectiveness of the research group in obtaining funds from the Agency’s research projects, international projects, and contract research for business and other public institutions (e.g. ministries).

Infrastructure programs offer support for research work. The key role of research infrastructure is to provide high quality research environment for research. Agency with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport also finances the development of national infrastructure that enables participation in European infrastructure programs - ESFRI.

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