Name of institution: University of Ljubljana
Department: Faculty of Medicine
Erasmus code: SI LJUBLJA01
Study fields: 0911 - Dental Medicine, 0912 - Medicine
Contact person: mag. Jerneja Čelofiga, IR officer
Contact person e-mail: international.erasmus(at)mf.uni-lj.si
Learning agreements: we accept OLA and traditional LAs
Start of academic year: October 1st
You can apply to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ljubljana as an exchange student for one or two semesters in case your home university is a partner university of the University of Ljubljana. If you are interested in coming to Ljubljana within the Erasmus+ exchange programme please read carefully the steps written below.
In order to come to Ljubljana within the Erasmus+ programme your home university should first nominate you to the Office of International Relations of the University of Ljubljana. The nominations should be sent to intern.office(at)uni-lj.si Your home university should send us the following information (name, last name, date of birth, study field, period of mobility, e-mail). After receiving the officiall nomination the corresponding faculty will send you more information about the application procedure.
After your home university has nominated you to study at the University of Ljubljana as an exchange student, you should fill in an online application. There is no need to send a paper copy of the application. At the end of the online application you will find the necessary documents to upload to your application: Transcript of Records (of your home university), Learning Agreement and Language Certificate. Your application is complete and will be processed only after you have followed all the steps of the application system and entered all the required information. After we have received your application and your host department has approved your application, we will send you an Acceptance letter and information on living and studying in Ljubljana.
• 15 May for the winter semester/full academic year
• 15 November for the summer semester
Academic year 2024/2025 is officially divided into winter (fall) and summer (spring) semester, but due to the organisation of courses and examination periods there are no holidays/semester breaks between semesters. Officially the winter semester starts on October 1st 2024 and ends on February 2nd 2025. The examination periods are set at the end of every course. Officially the spring semester starts on February 17th 2025 and ends on June 8th 2025. The spring examination period follows at the end of the spring semester.
Please note that the Faculty of Medicine will send you the confirmation of your mobility and schedule according to the courses selected in your Learning agreement. It could be that the time period of your mobility will not fit the exact time frame of the semesters.
The Faculty of Medicine offers the Erasmus+ exchange programme in Medicine and Dental Medicine. We are offering the selection of courses, organised in English. The courses are offered form our 3rd year on. Students from the last year are as well allowed to take clinical practice in the hospital in the following fields: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics and Gynecology&Obstetrics. The first two clinical practices are offered throughout the entire academic year, but the last two only in certain time periods (please check the documents below).
Since we are facing in the last year a constant increase of Erasmus+ incoming students there is the need to limit the number of available places to the Erasmus+ students in some courses: Nervous system, Musculoskeletal system, Mental Diseases, ORL, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Clinical Paediatrics, Methods of Public Health. The places are given on a first come, first serve basis.
We offer to the Erasmus+ students a certain selection of obligatory courses (see the list of available courses below) and in addition students can choose from the list of elective courses. In order to select the courses students have to provide when submitting the online application a Learning agreement confirmed by the student and his home institution. Courses from our 4th and 5th year are a combination of practical and theoretical courses and all end with an obligatory final examination.
Students can choose courses from different study years as long as there is NO TIME COLLISSION between the selected courses. Only such courses will be confirmed to teh student. Please see the schedule of courses posted for each academic year. Note as well that courses are organised in english only in a selected time frame and no alternatives are possible
At the end of Mobility students will receive the final Transcript of Records which will be set on the basis of their signed Learning agreement and the examination records during their study exchange in Ljubljana. The Transcript of Records will include as well the information about the clinical practice which the student has done during the exchange as well as the duration of the mobility. The Transcript of Records is prepared on the basis of the courses from our Curriculum. Students receive the final Transcript of Records upon their departure.
The Faculty of Medicine will introduce in the academic year 2024/2025 the reformed curriculum as well in the 4th year of Medicine and Dental Medicine. This fact especially influences the incoming Erasmus+ studnets for Medicine. The selection of courses is namely changing a bit and some courses will be now organised in different semesters. Please find below the curriculum for Erasmus+ students and the information in which semester the courses take place. Note as well that the exams from the 4th year on are organised through out the entire academic year.
Curriculum for the Exchange students (courses in English)
Draft schedule for Erasmus students 2024/2025 (smaller changes can happen) (The courseş Gynaecology and obstetrics and General Paediatrics from the 5th year are already ful; new confirmations of the course only possible in case of withdrawal of the already confirmed students)
Elective courses for Erasmus+ students 2024/2025
Assessment form for clinical practice
Presentation Guide Medicine 2024/2025
Welcome package for Students 2024/2025
WELCOME DAY, September 26th 2024 (presentation)
The exchange in Dental medicine is only possible in the winter (first) semester and we only accept students to our 5th year.
Description of the courses - DENTAL MEDICINE
In the academic year 2025/2026 we are introducing the 5th year of our reformed curriculum of Medicine and Dental Medicine. This means that the selection of the courses is changing. The courses are organised in English for the exchange students. Please check the documents below; the schedule of the courses will be confirmed in the begining of 2025. Note that we allow students to combine courses from different years as long as there is no time collission between the courses. 6th year clinical practices/internships of Internal medicine and Surgery are generally organised on individual basis (when the students have a free time slot in their individual schedule) and fully opened to the students of the last year. Other students can take the internships only if they have already passed the general theoretical part of the speciality and they can prove it with the Transcript of Records.
Due to a large number of incoming students we advise all students to submit the online application as soon as possible; even the second semester students should do it as soon as possible and not wait for the second semester deadline.
Available courses in English for Exchange students 2025/2026
Provisional schedule of the courses 2025/2026 (final confirmation in the begining of 2025)
Presentation document Medicine 2025/2026 (course description)
Students are only accepted in the spring semester of the academic year. to our 4th year of Dental Medicine