Javnozdravstveni pristopi k obvladovanju bolezni srca in žilja

Public Health Approaches to the Management of Cardiovascular Deseases



Delo pri predmetu je razdeljeno v tri segmente:

  • V prvem segmentu udeleženci predmeta spoznajo aktualno velikost bremena BSŽ. S pomočjo podatkov v bazi Global Burden of Disease Compare (GBD Compare) inštituta Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) si sami poskusijo ustvariti sliko o velikosti bremena BSŽ v slovenski populaciji in to breme primerjajo z bremenom različnimi drugih državah in skupinah držav. Ustvarijo si tudi sliko bremena v izbranih populacijskih skupinah ter sliko prispevka posameznih dejavnikov tveganja za nastanek in razvoj BSŽ.
  • V drugem segmentu spoznajo aktualne možnosti za preventivne ukrepe s poudarkom na ukrepih na populacijski ravni in ravni populacijskih podskupin.
  • V tretjem segmentu udeleženci samostojno razmišljajo o primernih JZ ukrepih za obvladovanje BSŽ v Sloveniji in se seznanijo s potekajočimi aktivnostmi. V kolikor je možno (odvisno od epidemiološke situacije COVID-19), se udeležijo tudi Foruma o preventivi bolezni srca in žilja.


The work in the course is divided into three segments:

  • In the first segment, course participants learn about the current extent of the CVDs burden. With the help of data in the Global Burden of Disease Compare (GBD Compare) database of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), they try to create their own picture of the size of the CVDs burden in the Slovenian population and compare this burden with the burden of various other countries and groups of countries. They also create their own picture of the burden in selected population groups and a picture of the contribution of individual risk factors for development of CVDs (attributtable risk).
  • In the second segment, they learn about current options for preventive measures with an emphasis on measures at the population level and the level of population subgroups.
  • In the third segment, the participants independently think about appropriate PH measures for the management of CVDs in Slovenia and get acquainted with the ongoing activities. As far as possible (depending on the epidemiological situation of COVID-19), they also attend the Forum on the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases.





Režim predmeta

Course Regime



Termini predavanj se uskladijo s časovno razpoložljivostjo študentov.

The lectures are scheduled in accordance with the students’ availability.




prof. dr. Lijana Zaletel Kragelj, dr. med.
T: +386 1 543 75 42
E: lijana.zaletel-kragelj(at)mf.uni-lj.si

Ime in priimek
T: +386 1 xxx xx xx
E: ime.priimek(at)mf.uni-lj.si


Nina Košir, dipl. ekon.
T: +386 1 543 75 40
E: nina.kosir(at)mf.uni-lj.si

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