Študenti medicine se pri predmetu spoznajo z značilnostmi in področji dela številnih zdravstvenih in sorodnih poklicev, s katerimi zdravniki sodelujejo v procesu nudenja zdravstvene oskrbe: babištvo, delovna terapija, fizioterapija, psihologija v zdravstvu, radiološko inženirstvo, sanitarno inženirstvo, socialno delo in zdravstvena nega.
Pri predmetu se študenti medicine srečajo tudi s komplementarnostjo specifičnih kompetenc posameznega zdravstvenega poklica s poklicem zdravnika.
Pomemben učni izid predmeta je sposobnost študentov za načrtovanje medpoklicnega timskega dela za reševanje konkretnih zdravstvenih problemov.
In the course, medical students get acquainted with the characteristics and areas of work of many health and related professions with which medical doctors participate in the process of providing health care: midwifery, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, health psychology, radiological engineering, sanitary engineering, social work and nursing.
In the course, medical students also encounter the complementarity of specific competencies of an individual medical profession with the profession of a medical doctor.
An important learning outcome of the course is ability of students to plan interprofessional teamwork to solve specific health problems.
Urnik se uskladi v največji možni meri glede na razpoložljivost udeležencev pri predmetu iz vseh izobraževalnih inštitucij.
The schedule is adjusted as much as possible according to the availability of participants in the course from all participating institutions.