Z dokazi podprto javno zdravje

Evidence Based Public Health


Opis predmeta


  • študente seznaniti z načeli z dokazi podprtega javnega zdravja,
  • študente seznaniti s pripravo sistematičnega pregleda literature (sistematični pregled, osnove meta-analize).



  • študentje poznajo in razumejo pomen in načela z dokazi podprtega javnega zdravja,
  • študentje poznajo in razumejo pripravo sistematičnega pregleda literature (iskanje literature, priprava strokovnega in znanstvenega članka, pripravo protokola za registracijo sistematičnega pregleda).



Course objectives


  • introduce students with principles of evidence-based public health,
  • introduce students with the preparation of the systematic literature review (systematic review, basics of meta-analysis).



  • students gain knowledge and understand the importance and principles of evidence-based public health,
  • students gain knowledge and understand the preparation of a systematic literature review (search for literature, preparation of a professional and scientific article, preparation of a protocol for the registration of a systematic review).


Režim predmeta

Course Regime


Urnik bo pripravljen v dogovoru s študenti (izvedba bo organizirana v obdobju od novembra 2020 do januar 2021) in sicer 5 ur predavanj, 15 ur seminarjev, 25 ur kliničnih vaj in 45 ur samostojnega dela.


Datum in ura*






Predavanje 1

Z dokazi podprto JZ (koncepti načela)

doc. dr. Andreja Kukec

Skladno  z navodili UL MF (v seminarskih prostorih KJZ ali preko spletne aplikacije Webex)

Predavanje 2


Sistematični pregled literature, meta-analiza (koncept, primeri). Razdelitev seminarskih tem.

doc. dr. Andreja Kukec

Klinične vaje 1

Predstavitev primera: iskanje literature, registracija sistematičnega pregleda literature

doc. dr. Andreja Kukec


asist. Tanja Rejc

Klinične vaje 2, 3, 4, 5

Izdelava seminarske naloge

doc. dr. Andreja Kukec


asist. Tanja Rejc

Seminarji 1, 2, 3

Predstavitev seminarskih nalog z razpravo

doc. dr. Andreja Kukec


asist. Tanja Rejc

*V dogovoru s študenti.



Schedule will be prepared in agreement with the students (implementation is planned in period from November 2020 to January 2021).


The subject EVIDENCE BASED PUBLIC HEALTH is carried out in the form of lectures (5 hours), clinical work - literature search, preparation of seminar protocol (25 hours) and presentation of the seminar (15 hours).


Date and time*

Teaching activity


Professor / assistant

Lecture room


Lecture 1

Evidence-based public health (concept, principles)

Assist. Prof. Andreja Kukec


In accordance with the instructions of UL MF (in KJZ seminar rooms or virtually via Webex Meetings)

Lecture 2


Systematic review, meta-analysis (concept, cases).

Students will choose their seminar topics

Assist. Prof. Andreja Kukec

Practical work 1

Case presentation: literature search, registration of systematic literature review

Assist. Prof. Andreja Kukec


Assist. Tanja Rejc

Practical work 2, 3, 4, 5

Preparation of seminars

Assist. Prof. Andreja Kukec


Assist. Tanja Rejc

Seminar 1, 2, 3

Presentation of seminar papers with discussion

Assist. Prof. Andreja Kukec


Assist. Tanja Rejc

* in agreement with the students



Predmet še nima obvestil.


doc. dr. Andreja Kukec
T: +386 1 543 75 66
E: andreja.kukec(at)mf.uni-lj.si

asist. Tanja Rejc
T: +386 1 543 75 44
E: tanja.rejc(at)mf.uni-lj.si


Nina Košir
T: +386 1 543 75 40
E: nina.kosir(at)mf.uni-lj.si

uradne ure
po dogovoru